
A part of  our commitment to Patriotic Service, the Iowa Dames help administer and/or fund various scholarships helping educate our youth, advance citizenship and preserve historical knowledge.

Congressional Seminar Essay Contest

This essay contest is a major project of NSCDA, which the Iowa Society  administers for Iowa applicants. Winners will be awarded a trip to Washington D.C. for a week of citizenship education about the national government, site-seeing, and friendship-making. We welcome essays from current or rising 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students! See the photo below of student essay winners in front of National Headquarters-Dumbarton House in Georgetown.

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American Indian Medical Scholarship

The American Indian Medical Scholarship Award Program is a national project of the NSCDA, and Iowa members are encouraged to donate. This scholarship is awarded to students of American Indian descent, providing them the opportunity to pursue careers in nursing and later give back and improve the healthcare among their tribal nation. Some students will choose to work on their respective American Indian reservations, while others find employment in hospitals in areas largely populated by American Indians. The scholarship not only includes nursing careers, but jobs in health care and health education, as well.

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Scholarships & Educational Awards

Members of the Des Moines Borough organize students from Moulton Elementary to attend History Alive at the Iowa State Capitol. Students learn about the Iowa's important role in political history and how laws are created.

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American History Educational Award

The NSCDA also grants educational awards each year to graduate students working toward doctorate degrees in American History, political science, historic restoration and preservation or administration of historic sites. In 2020, the Indiana Society selected the recipient. The Iowa Society contributes to this award annually.

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